Saturday 29 September 2012

RED "P" Platers; A Gen Z Rant

Seems like the kids my daughter went to high school with have gotten their driving licences and have begun to wreak havoc on the roads around Little Gumbieville. And I would have thought given how these kids are, something I came to know well, that anyone with authority would have said "No  driver's licence for you.. Yet."

A couple of these apparently Adult Red "P" Platers I've had the displeasure to encounter so far have ploughed into and through a roundabout while seeing me halfway across or already entering the same roundabout.... meaning they were supposed to give way to me, but despite seeing me they turn their head away and keep going.

It's kind of perfect really, as a description of Generation Z youth.. (Gen Z, born from 1990 onwards). Generation Y was the most visible with their "It's all about ME !" mindset.. but now along comes Generation Z.. who have perfected their Isolated "I" Behaviour Patterns, their Self-Righteousness, their lack of Common Knowledge and Common Sense to the extreme.

These are the 'adults' who cannot do simple math in their head, who go nuts if "Facebook" goes down or they lose phone service, or the power goes out, or a real adult tells them the truth... or anything else does not go how they want it to. Generation Z... yep that's them.

Okay, so I know many slightly older adults ( 20's to 40's) also do the same thing at roundabouts, possibly due to their mindset of "I'm in a hurry, got to go do...... ", and I should NOT EXPECT the new batch of Car Drivers to drive with more manners and sense when they didn't see the proper behaviours from their Parents.. but... but... Damn it pisses me off.

It's not as if getting around on my bike or in my car was a whole lot safer before the new batch arrived, but it sure as hell just got a lot more dangerous for me on my bike.

For anyone confused about what Gen Z is.. or Gen Y.. and Gen X.. click on this linky..

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