Saturday 29 October 2011

Cops in Fear for their own Safety???

Just after sunrise this morning my neighbourhood was woken by an angry drunk young man yelling abuse.. and his friend who was trying to get him to shut up and go home.

Meanwhile two female Police 'Officers' (note the Militarised Legal Terminology) sat in their paddy-wagon across the road from my place doing NOTHING.

So I headed out the door with my trusty old "door manager".. well I am in my 50's now.... and yelled to the guy to please shut up as we are all trying to sleep.. he told me to "F--k off.. you don't know what's going on".

At that moment the two Police 'Officers' got out of their vehicle and called out to me, "Excuse me, be quiet". WTF??? Both myself and my neighbour could see they had Tasers and Pepper Spray on their Utility Belts.

So I immediately replied asking, "What's taking you so long?".. they "directed" me to shut up and I reminded them that this is Australia and I have every Right to Speak Freely, and then asked again, "Why are you taking so long? This guys has been yelling for well over 10 minutes."

They then walked down the street towards this young man and his friend as a Highway Patrol car appeared behind the offenders. One male 'Officer' then faced up to the two men and subdued the guy who was yelling, then handcuffed him as the female 'Officers' looked on and occassionaly stepped in between the arrested man and his friend.

All good then you would think, right?

No.. one of the female 'Officers' jogged her obese frame back up the street towards me before heading across the street to their unlocked paddy-wagon.. but not before yelling at me, "We'll be back to see you later. How dare you talk to us like that!" Again.. WTF??

I called back to her saying, "We have freedom of speech in Australia.".. to which she replied, with one hand waving me away, "I don't want to hear it."

So.. I went to the shop for bread, milk and ciggies.. made sure to put a note in the front window saying I would be back in ten minutes, to be sure sure I did not miss their return visit.

An hour and a half later they slowed to a stop out the front.. but not until after three or four cop cars had cruised by looking in at my neighbour and myself sitting out the front waiting for the visit.

The two female 'Officers' walked over to the gate with hands on their Utility Belts.. as if expecting trouble from this old man. So I welcomed them by saying, "Good morning again Ladies".. notice how I immediately informed them by my choice of words that they are Equal Human Beings to me and not members of a Militarised Police "Force".... note again the Legal Terminology.

Their attitudes were instantly more friendly towards me.

They explained to me then that they had to work within the confines of Safety Issues for themselves, and could not tackle these two young men themselves so that people in the street did not see them being involved in a scuffle with 'Officers' going one on one with the two young men.

I then interupted (spelling?) them for a minute to ask, "But aren't you trained in Hand to Hand combat? And don't you both carry Pepper Spray, Tasers as well as your firearms ?"

They answered, "We can only deploy the Taser if they have a weapon." To which I smirked, having seen many, many videos of the abuse of Pepper Spray and Tasers on Australians who are unarmed... as well as being non-verbally.. they had their hands on their unclipped Tasers at the time.. threatened with Tasering when demanding the ID of an undercover cop who ran into my house behind the 10 or so uniformed 'Officers' who came to my place earlier this year with an Illegal Search Warrant based on the testimony of a man I knew to be a lying sack of shit who had been busted for Pot.. yes, he gave them people's names in an attempt to get off the charges.. even when the people named were doing nothing illegal.

I also explained to them that I had done Security work at difficult biker venues in my time and knew how easily a person can be subdued without main force being applied... and so the two of them with their Training could easily have taken the two young men down well before they reached our street and woke up the neighbourhood.

They responded saying that Their Own Safety is the factor leading to their decision for Inaction this morning. And then told me they were afraid the second man may have attacked them as they tried to subdue his friend.

Anmd there you have the gyst of the issue here.... Police no longer use their training to do their job.. instead they call "Fear" and either use Weapons against people or overcome them with superior numbers... just as the American Police do.

No surprise really, considering how our "Police Force" has weaponised themselves under the change of Legal Terminology that allows them to do so... and how they have copied the Uniforms of the U.S. Police, how they have changed from subduing an armed 'person' (legal terminology again) to shooting them dead with a body-mass shot instead of a leg shot or other forms of non-lethal force.

Bet you did not know that Australian Police also have the L-Rad 500 System.. a despicable Sound Weapon that causes intense pain to anyone within a 500 metre range. Check it out.. I tell you the truth.

Long gone are the days when a "Policeman" or "Policewoman" .. note the use of Non-Legal Terminology.. would handle an aggressive 'person' themselves using the methods learned in their training instead of waiting to do their job until enough Cops are on the scene.

The last thing I said to these two 'officers' this morning was, "You have to expect Public Scrutiny". They said, "Yes we know." To which I replied, "It is going to get a lot worse yet Ladies." They had nothing to say to that.

So there ya go.. a little bit of excitement in Little Gumbieville just after sunrise today.

Before signing off for today I want to mention something else about this...

Their statement of, "How dare you speak to us like that." is a perfect indication of their loss of understanding their position as PUBLIC SERVANTS who are Employed by the People and whose Salary is Paid by Your Taxes to Serve and Protect.. and.. to Keep the Peace.

They have forgotten we are all Equal Human Beings and that they have no Extra Priviledges or Rights as Police 'Officers' than any one else in this country of Ours. They chose their career and I can almost guarantee most do not go into the Police 'Force' to Serve and Help the Community.. most go into the 'Force' for the Power and Control they will have over all others.

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