Thursday 1 December 2011

Big Pay Rises for Politicians.. meanwhile the rest of us...

Today's headlines say it all.. and I know we were pre-warned a couple of weeks agao.. seems everyone forgot about this important issue..

Federal politicians are in for a big pay rise with Prime Minister Julia Gillard set to take home an extra $90,000 and Liberal turncoat and new Speaker Peter Slipper pocketing an extra $70,000, News Ltd papers say.

Q/. Why should Politicians get such massive pay increases?

Q/. Why do working class people only ever get very, very small pay increases of only a couple of dollars per week?

Q/. Should Politician's be paid the Average Wage plus phone and car perks ONLY?

The RedHead in Canberra is getting an extra $90,000 per year!!!!!! She will be paid more than the U.S. President!

Meanwhile our Hospitals can't do their jobs properly due to funding cuts, less staff.. etc.

Meanwhile our Schools keep pumping out Dumb Teenagers who can't write, talk or use math to save their lives in most cases... and this is due to funding shortages, lack of good teachers and the stupid system put in place back in the 90's

Meanwhile I pay $100 each week on food shopping... which only just covers the bottom of the shopping trolley.... 8 years ago $100 filled the shopping trolley!!!

Meanwhile the Power Bills just keep rising and rising out of sync with everything else.

Meanwhile Fuel is over-priced in Australia compared to every other first world nation on the planet.

Meanwhile carrego keeps increasing each year.

Meanwhile my Pension does not increase each year.. and when it finally does I get a couple of extra dollars only.

Meanwhile Families in Australia are seriously struggling to get by in any way similar to how we used to live in the 80's and 90's.

Meanwhile the hidden Homeless in Australia grow in leaps and bonds as more people hit the financial wall and have no means to recover.

Meanwhile.. I get the shits with everyone for not doing anything to stop this unfair pay increase for our Polititicans.

Meanwhile.. Aussies will bitch about the Politician's pay rise.. but do NOTHING about it.

I've had enough of this.. wake the hell up people.. it is TIME to stop the rot..and that can only be achieved by large numbers arriving in Canberra to stand up and say NO WAY.. to politician's massive pay increases.

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