Thursday 29 December 2011

Nice Power Bill?


I don't know why the new power bill is so low compared to all the others in the past few years, but I am not going to complain about it that's for sure.

Let's compare... last bill from Winter was $590. This Spring bill is $199... minus payments already made which brings it to $119.

Massive difference isn't it?

So, I know we didn't use any heaters to stay warm, we did use less hot water because the girly-monster is home only 4 to 5 night per week now, the TV was on less but the new TV in the girly's room was on, as was her stereo. Nothing else has changed since Winter except we use cold water to wash our clothes instead of letting the machine heat water to 40 degrees C.

I still sit up late on my puter then watch some TV until I am ready for sleep. This puter is still on 14 or more hours each day.

Well, it looks like I can pay the new bill in one hit on pension day next week, and that means I can save more for the motorcycle.. oh yeah!!

Am I happier today?

Hell Yeah!!!!

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