Wednesday 21 December 2011

Youth Culture.. again. My experience on NineMSN website

Dusqvidanya Readers.

I was reading the NineMSN website two days ago and was again horrified by the use of inappropriate content for a family website. In the Entertainment section on the Main page were two Headline links to stories in the "Fix" section.

One headline read "WTF: Nicole ..."  and the other headline read "Ho Ho Ho: Skanky costumes for ..."

So me being me, I found the have your say part, and had my say....
Another offensive Headline
Posted by: Oldie, Queensland, on 20/12/2011 02:24:08

Is there an adult working there? Can you get them to tell you Generation Y'ers that "WTF" is still an offensive term to most people in the Real World, so it is offensive used in this Headline, and also in plain view on a family website. You can have a good laugh at the old guy who is trying to get you to see that Youth Culture is not Everyone in Australia... so please learn good form in the public domain. This is the third time I have mentioned this here. Next time will be an email to the mature Adults at the top who do all the hiring and firing.
So at first I thought they would not publish it, like most of my comments about the cancers spreading through Youth Culture, but it appeared the next morning, and it was then I knew why they posted it up this time.. so that the Youth could also have their say about my words.

Fair enough you may think, and I agree. But I was also expecting the types of responses I did get from young adults.. cough..cough.

Not sure if anyone remembers that disgustingly voyeuristic TV show called Big Brother ? One night the dragon-women and some University Student Union Leader had a concerned Dad on a "Special" to supposedly allow him to voice his concerns.

He had a 14 and a 16 year old daughters, and did not want them to watch that absolute garbage for the mind. So once he had his say, the two Villians ganged-up on him and made it appear that he was just an old fogey having a whinge and should get up with the times. They even told him he SHOULD watch that show WITH his daughters so they could discuss anything he was concerned about as it came up.

I freaked out on how he was treated by these Gen Y females. They showed absolutely no understanding of his perception, NOR did they CARE one bit. All they wanted was to FORCE him to let his teenage daughters to watch the drivel and made him look stupid in public to insure no one else so much as tried to have a say and be heard.

So, I was reminded of that "Special" by the comments of the Youth to my first comments.. and here are just a few to show you what I mean.....
Seriously 'Oldie'? 
Posted by: ***, brisbane, on 20/12/2011 09:58:07

Thats what you take from all of this? *** is a term used by almost everyone. I can be walking around the shops and ill hear people that are no older then 12 using it in general speech. The fact is, you could take *** to be alot of different things, unless your telling the kids exactly what it means, they wont know. People like you are what is ruining society, unable to accept change and the fact that words that were horrible 50 years ago when you were 20 are becoming more and more acceptable in todays society
He sees no problem with 12 year olds speaking that way??
to the comment before mine.... 
Posted by: Babyice, nsw, on 20/12/2011 11:56:06

to the person called oldie... this is the new generation, and get over it its just i.m.. and its just how everything is these days.. stop trying to troll everything..i bet ur one of those ppl that do.. and if ur offend by that, then u shouldent really be on the site cause there is alot more werid and interesting stuff that could be more offensive to u then 3 little letters, just saying...
Sounds exactly like most of the young girls I know through my daughter.. cannot see my Point and won't bother to try and see it. According to this young female, the older generations are wrong and the young are right.. very Teenagey perception that.
MY say 
Posted by: chicka, nunya, on 20/12/2011 12:58:06

I'm honestly sick and tired of hearin people like YOU makin comments about gen y. How about your gen TEACH us how to be proper and stop putting all the blame on us. Seriously I'm sick of it. We weren't born bad we were taught bad so how about you think about that ^___^ And as for the headline alot of people use it, and i don't like sayin it either, so instead of sayin the full version it just goes through my head as w-t-f. You might as well start getting used to what your gen created in this gen, times are changing and sometimes you have to as well. How do you even know the person who posted this was a gen y. Maybe a more appropriate headline could have been used, but your probably unaware of other, more teenage style magazines using the same headline in the magazine itself. It's everywhere, not just here.
 Yep.. older people are just plain WRONG aren't they?
Posted by: JaneLane, Dariatopia, on 20/12/2011 14:39:21

This is amazing! =D. Oldie, this is the third time you're mentioning that? Us Generation Y'ers are adults now and we're taking over cause you old people will be dead soon. Get used to it.
Very nice response from this young 'woman'. So I replied to these young people with this..
Stirred the hornets nest?
 Posted by: Oldie, Queensland, on 20/12/2011 23:23:21
In reply to those young people who are opposed to what I said.... The real world is not Youth Culture.. you will grow out of it ... just like we all did. The descent into Idiocracy begins with you young people.. but only if you let it be that way. I have high hopes for today's Youth..the people who will lead our country into the future. Many of you have great things ahead of you.. but please never forget the paths that lead to you to that in life. The clear facts are... this Society is Adult based.. not Youth based.. you are only Indoctrinated.. Brainwashed.. into accepting the worst of the current youth culture.. the American Youth Culture through the cancerous rise of Media aimed straight at you.. and you cannot see it for what it is, Yet. Only life experience and maturity, Wisdom, is gained from living long enough to see what is wrong with society. I can't wait to hear what you have to say when you are my age. Let's hope you choose a better future than what you do now. Respect.
 There were some supportive comments to what I had to say.. and I was glad of that. One of them mentioned the Movie "Idiocracy" and how quickly we were getting to that reality.. later an 'Educated" young person replied to that.. but I will leave that great laugh for a little later.
Trolls be trollin'.
 Posted by: Iesha, Sydney, NSW., on 21/12/2011 00:16:27

Sorry, but I never looked at the title of this article & thought that it was offensive. This is a gossip page, what did you honestly expect - top grade journalism? Because it ain't here. Go troll elsewhere, oh & PS if you don't know what trolling is, I'd suggest looking it up on google. It helps. KTHANKSBYE =)
Oh look, I am a silly Troll who could not know what she means by the word "Troll". Oh dear, I am so stupid aren't I? So I replied to Lesha...
Reply to Lesha 
Posted by: Oldie, Queensland, on 21/12/2011 09:50:23

The story was posted on the front page of NineMSN, in the Entertainment section. So to make things as clear as possible Lesha, "***", "Ho Ho Ho... ***", are not appropriate for a Family website. The words themselves are not Australian. They are American Youth Culture derived from the Gansta Rap culture, also not family orientated. I know what a Troll is as I've been around Internet Forums ever since they began. I seek only to have decent values adhered to in the Public Domain. In my Youth no one swore in Public at Parents, around Children or Elders. We had Respect for ourselves and others. As a single dad who raised a daughter on his own, I saw the Cancer that has been spreading through Youth Culture even before you were born. I fought for kids to have a real childhood, for kids to learn Values for Life, for Human Rights and Personal Freedoms. The very things now taken for granted by this Me, Me, Me culture of Youth today. I have seen all the kids arguments.. nothing new there.
Anyone else notice how the auto-Censor actually censored my own usage of the two terms I had an issue with? What does that tell us?

And now for the "Educated" young woman's comment...

Posted by: jess, act, on 21/12/2011 10:36:04

Can I please just point out, The definition of idiocracy is NOT associated with idiocy but with idiosyncracy, it means essentially a peculiarity of a state or constitution and is derived roughly from the ancient greek word 'to mix'. So when all these commenters are jumping on their intellectual high horses and bemoaning the state of today's society calling it an idiocracy I think you're getting mixed up with the popular movie 'Idiocracy', which is somewhat ironic. **face-palm**
I loved the Face Palm bit.. and I really got a kick out of her telling me where and why I was wrong.. when she didn't even see that both older people knew exactly what we meant by the term "Idiocracy".. the Movie. 

Lack of common sense showing right there.. no matter how well educated some may be. And not being able to read the real words without thinking about what she wanted to say.. just like NOT Listening isn't it?

I did reply nicely to this young woman... but aqs yet it has not been published.. maybe later tonight or tomorrow. In which case I will post it up here as a follow on from this post.

Another response from a Gen Y'er..
Excuse me?
 Posted by: ***, brisbane, on 21/12/2011 12:33:21

"choose a better future then what i do now"? Im a Psychology student at university going on to do my honours and phd. So dont you talk about the future im choosing. As it was said before, its the generation that raised us that has screwed up along the line to make us as 'bad' as we are, which even when speaking then your speaking for a minority of the population. All im taking from reading your comments is that your some old shut in who cant accept change. Society is not adult based, it used to be, not anymore. Society changes depending on the demographic your around and the socioeconomic area you are in. There is nothing you can do about Australian becoming more and more similar to America, its part of the world when they are one of the largest countries with the biggest influence. Seriously if you have this much of an issue with society and whats going on, GET OFF A GOSSIP WEBSITE. That type of language is going to be used here. Your not the youth anymore, accept it and move on.
You know something? I liked her response as it showed she was thinking.. just not Seeing what was said.

As often as I said the offending content was on the NineMSN Home Page none of the responders seemed to notice that and blindly went ahead telling me off for complaining about something on a "Gossip Site".

I should rest my case on that last Gem.. but there will be much more to come soon unless "The Fix" closes the comments for that page.

Edited to add the next replies made by me.. 

Reply to Jess
Posted by: Oldie, Queensland, on 21/12/2011 5:36:03 PM

Thank you for the obvious display of intellect, but we two Older persons know we are talking about the movie Idiocracy and are not confused about that in any way.
Reply to Excuse Me ? 
Posted by: Oldie, Queensland, on 21/12/2011 6:03:04 PM

The disempowerment of Family began around 1980. Each successive generation was born into more power and Rights for Kids than Parents. Media focused on kids as Consumers to hook them into buying "must-have-stuff" all their lives, and it worked well. I'm educated too, Psychology, Philosophy and Politics at the Uni of South Oz, so I'm not some silly old geezer having a whinge. I am pointing out what needs to be fixed in our Society. Our children, in general, have become spoiled like spoiled fruit. The current education system has let 99% of you down, witness the many who can't spell to save their life, can't do ANY math in their head, have little common sense as displayed here by some. My issue is with inappropriate content on the Front Page, The Public Domain, which linked to this "Gossip Site". It must be difficult to have a long term perception of the downward slide of our culture when you are only 20 or even 30 years old, but you will notice it over the next 2 decades I hope.
I wold like to hear your feedback on this folks.. did you get as a good a laugh as I did?

Well, instead of trying to create a better world for children to grow up in, it seems I am supposed to bend over and take it .. and say nothing at all.

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