Monday 5 December 2011

No one else seems to give a shit, so why should I continue to?

The question has been asked.. and I don't have an answer.

I can tell you I am severely "over it all".

Had enough of trying to wake people up to what is going on around them.

Had enough of trying to wake people up to the simplest fact of all.. that you have all the power right now to make change happen.

Had enough of pointing out for 30 years how change will take a large number of people all standing together to force it.. otherwise it will not happen in our lifetime.

Had enough of the dumbarses all around me, in this town and any other like it.

Had enough of Adults pandering to kids, spoiling those kids like rotten apples.. and then letting them out in the world to be smart-arsed mouth-offs hiding behind the law that protects them from having their just desserts already.

Had enough of the struggle every single day.

Had enough of being an island in a sea of shit as the shit gets deeper all around it.

Had enough of being minimized.. having No Voice to be Heard, having no means to create change via the system inplace.

Seriously over not being Heard.. and when heard being suppressed to maintain others comfort zones.

Just had enough. I wonder why I bothered in the first place.. no one actually listens, then thinks about their own effects in the world, then takes responsibility for their actions.

Can't wait for this system to come crashing down so I can take off into the mountains and not have to put up with the bullshit anymore.

Been seriously thinking it's time for me.. time to ignore everything else going on around me.. and become one of the blind folks going about their day to day grind and not giving a shit about anything else.

The old saying.. can't beat them, join them.

I got a better one.. can't help them.. don't bother trying.

No one reads this Blog.. except for one or two friends.

So there is no point in me writing anything more here... no one listens, and certainly no one takes any action.. just me.. a lone voice in the wilderness of a maddened, insane world.

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