Friday 30 December 2011

On forgetting things...

I do it all the time.

About 10 or so years ago I started making a list for the fridge of all the things to remember each day, and sometimes on an hourly basis if necessary. The list got longer and longer until I realised there were too many things to have to be remembered constantly.

Every once in a while something helps remind me of some of the things.

The Hopi people reminded me 3 years ago in their last message to the world that times are going to get tougher, and we have to let go and let it happen as it will, as long as we remained centred.

Well, I didn't. I flipped and flopped like a fish out of water, waved my arms about in the air, and yelled at 'god'... in case there is one, so the bastard would hear me... instead of going with the flow out in the middle of the river.

So a reminder came the other day. And I remembered what it was about... that was nice don't you think?

The memory was about not letting things bother you so much that you lose focus. To regain equanimity.. the ability to observe everything around you but not let it effect you.

When you can stay in that state of mind, you more easily see what you can take action on, and what you should let go it's own way.

So.. that was painless and profound.

Just got to remember that how I feel every day really is up to me... doesn't mean I won't be having some solid rants in 2012.

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