Saturday 15 December 2012

Annoyed ? Yes I am....

I got woken up yesterday morning by the sound of someone bashing hard on my front door, and thinking it must be cops since that is their usual M.O.

Guess what?

It wasn't. Turned out to be an aboriginal man about early 20's who I had seen two weeks ago asking me to pass on his mail from my address to his address across the highway from me.. mine is 1/64 and his is 64A, so there has been some problems in the past with the postman putting the wrong mail in the wrong letter boxes. So I agreed.

Back to yesterday morning...

This guy was a bit pushy, asked me where his mail was, told me Centrelink had cut him off and that his mail had been retured to sender..... and 1 month ago I did re-send a lot of mail for him and others back to sender. I stopped doing it after we talked 2 weeks ago... and had even taken mail for him to the other address since then.

But yesterday morning he was not in a good mood and before huffing off he told me to leave his mail in my letterbox and he would come get it..I said, "No mate, if I get mail for you I will put it in your letterbox." He huffed-off then.

An hour later when I had woken up properly with a coffee and my brain was working right, I did some errands on my bike before going to his house to talk to him with my now clearer mind.

Guess what?

He does not live at that address at all !!

The young white guy living there said, "Neville lives in the lane over the back in one of those houses." And that was when I started to see a little bit of Red.

I knew that in the past two years that I have been getting mail for these people that the house did have a young aboriginal women living in it for about 2 months.. who I used to take the mail to, but then they left and the house was turned into some sort of business for about one year before going back to being a rental house.

In the FIVE years I have lived here I've been getting mail for this guy and many others.. you know, unpaid fine notifications, unpaid bill notifications, Electoral Office letters and many other things, which at the time I Felt had something to do with these people AVOIDING their Responsiblities.

Turns out I was very correct about that aspect of things.

So how do you think I am going to deal with this ?

Yep. Putting a padlock on my letterbox this coming payday, and returning all mail for all of these people to the sender.

Why you may ask ?

Because he is ripping off the system, he is NOT taking Responsibility for his shit, he is USING ME to continue hiding from his Responsibilities. So I will not ALLOW him to keep using me like this. I will stand my ground, and I will tell him to take Responsibility for his own shit instead of using me to cover his tracks.

I will also explain that it is a criminal offence to be rooting around in anyone else's letterbox, and that if I catch him at it I will call the cops.

Moral of the story is........

We all have to learn how to stand up and take responsibility for our own stuff, to sort out anything that requires our attention from the Government or any of it's agencies.

It is everyone's job to NOT be used by people who will not do the RIGHT THING. How else will these slackers learn to take Responsibility if we ENABLE them to continue hiding from such responsibilities and using us to ensure they can ?

Once again it all comes down to people needing to STAND UP.

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