Friday 23 September 2011

Being Poisoned by your Government?

If you live in Queensland Australia then YES you are now being poisoned by your State Government. Poisoned with the Waste Product of Fertilizer Manufacturing.

Someone must have gotten a nice bonus when they thought up the idea to sell this Toxic Waste off as being the Next Best Thing for your Teeth.

But most of you only heard the bit they offered about it being good for kids teeth and the decision was based on solid peer-reviewed Science. They even said it improves kids teeth by 40% on average.

Liars!! But being aware thinkers you already knew the Government treats you like a Mushroom anyway.

How old is this Peer-reviewed Science anyway? The lastest info I can find about Flouride from a solid source says it is a major concern now that long term effects are being seen in countries using Flouride for 20 to 30 years.

I also read a lot of quotes from various countries Health Ministers who are on record as saying they dfo not have the LEGAL Right to Mass Medicate their populations! Take that Queensland Health Minister.

There is testimony from people in the know back in the late 1940's to early 1950's who are on record as saying Flouride should never be Ingested, that it has very negative effects on various organs of the body as well as minimizing a person's ability to be Self-Directed.. meaning the use of Flouride in water so that you will Ingest, will slowly decrease your own ability to think clearly for Yourself.

I recently had an email exchange with my State's Health Minister who had a strong objection to my use of the term, "Mass Medicating the Population". He was very, very offended.

He also told me the standard line that Nature thought of it first and so they are simply supporting that for our health. What a crock of BS that is. The natural amounts of Flouride in water is so tiny that it is not worth worrying about.

My Health Minister says that a Safe Level in drinking water for Queensland is 15mg per Litre.. and then stressed how small that amount is.

So I immediately went to read up on The Flouride Alert website ... in 2006 a major review took place in the USA to find out what the Current thinking was on Ingesting Flouride from the water supply.

Any guesses as to what they recommended now as the absolute highest limit? 4mg per Litre!!! Yep almost 4 times lower than my State has decided is GOOD FOR US.

And why did they decide on this figure?

Because there is good evidence surfacing that proves beyond doubt how dangerous ingesting this Toxin really is. This Group of Scientists and Health Workers chose such a low level of added Flouride because Medical Science is seeing increased Flourosis of the Teeth in children, is seeing a large recorded increase in Bone Density Issues causing something like Osteo-porosis.. they even have a proper name for this disease now.. I just don't remember it right now.

I've seen the bags of Flouride that are purchased from CHINA for the water supply. Each bag has a HUGE Health Warning on the front.. it lists the body organs that Flouride effects negatively.. but people don't seem to take much note of these things in order to keep their jobs at the Water Department.

Here is THE PROOF.....

Why is Oldie telling you all of this?

So that YOU can make your own decisions based on a balanced perspective from someone who has looked openly at the issue. Check out Flouride Alert on the web to do more of your own research folks.

I do not want my Pineal Gland to Atrophy earlier in life than is normal. I do not want my ability to think clearly and act on my own thinking to be impacted because "Elected Public Servants" are not doing their job properly. I do not want to suffer the illnesses that comes with long term ingestion of the KNOWN TOXIC SUBSTANCE called Flouride.

But each to their own I suppose... you can still keep using as much Flouridated Toothpaste as you like.. provding you follow the Health Guidelines and NOT SWALLOW the garbage.

Come on Folks.. get with it. Stop going about your daily grind with blindfolds on.. force your government to be somewhat more Honest with you than they have been so far. Do not accept the forced Mass Medication by a Toxic Substance... get yourself enlightened about the real Issues with this Substance so that you can make a clearer decision before you hopefully take some ACTION.

Again.. I ask, "What do you choose now?

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