Wednesday 21 September 2011

So you didn't get to have a Mid-Life Crisis?

If raising children took up all your time?

If somehow, 20 years have got behind you?  (Thanks to Pink Floyd for most of that sentence)

Then an Early Senior-Life Crisis may be the answer!

Kids leaving or left already? Nothing much to do now except wait for the inevitable health-nasties to show up, work the last of your fingers to the bone so you can afford retirement, pay off that second mortgage on the now too big Dream Home and maybe think about a Caravan in another 10 to 15 years?

Say NO to that.

A whole world still lay outside your door. While you breathe you can Live Life as it comes.

Why wait until you are almost too old to do the things you dreamed of doing when you were younger?

Being a single Dad for the past 16 years I tended to make my life one of raising my daughter as best I could. I was already pensioned-off so had plenty of free time to put into it.. and I did. I loved it.

I got to experience what most Dad's miss out on because they go to work every morning until late. That includes 6 years working at the School's Tuckshop with the other Mum's, supervising on bus trips, helping in the classroom and lots of excellent life experiences any male could have.

But.. and there is almost always a "But".. kids grow up and they stop needing you as much as they did before. And one day they move on with their life while you think about what Life without kids at home would be like.

Staying at home, gardening, cooking too much food each day, washing clothes for the hell of routine doesn't interest me one little bit.. nor should it.

While all this thinking was oging on I hit upon a clever interim plan... I decided ot buy a Motorcycle.

Okay, that sure sounds like Mid-Life Crisis doesn't it? But I was too busy raising my girl in my 40's to worry about that stuff.. so now I have the Leisure to go ahead with it now.

The universe or god or someone called Pete or Maria put an older women in my way one day while down town. She showed me her passion toy... a Japa-Harley as I used to call them. It was very nice, and surprisingly cheap. That got me to thinking some more.

The Plan

To take one year and save like crazy to buy one of these big bore Japa-Harleys and hit the road again. I haven't owned and ridden a bike since just before my girly-monster was born, so I think I owe it to myself to do this.

How to put a smile on Oldie's face?

Put him on his bike and say, "Go for a Ride Oldie".

I don't care if anyone thinks I am being a stupid old fart.. in fact all of my buddies and family think it is a great idea. Very supportive they are.

So there ya go folks, you can and should do the things you want to do when you can do them.

Stay tuned for more.....

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