Sunday 25 September 2011

The girly turns 17 today and hell breaks loose at home

Yep.. all it took was for me to say No to her staying over the night with friends who are both in their mid 20's.

She does not see what is wrong with the whole scenario, well, she is still a kid after all. And yes I am aware many parents let their 16 and 17 year olds do whatever they want.. and that is why so many are in trouble, pregnant, living with boyfriends, etc.

The hardest thing I find is being the 1 in 1,000 parents who do try to have boundaries in place, who do try to have Consequences in place and who love their kid enough to say no and then stand through the storm that comes with it.

I get threats of leaving home.. still acting like a 14 year old then. I get screamed at for not letting her do whatever she wants, when she wants... but she goes and does what she wants anyway!

I can't give in. She keeps breaking all the rules, every day, steals the money out of the account we set up for her car so that it only has 7 cents in it.. and she keeps making my life Hell with her Teen Angst bullshit.

And it only ever happens when I say No to something.. anything she wants.. and that is when the world goes sour and she gets ready to push it way harder than she needs to. She has at times wanted to push things to violence with me.. she has even instigated it in order to get her own way. Still acting like a 14 year old huh?

So all I can do today is get out of the house, get away from her for the day so I don't have to put up with the now booming bedroom music, the filthy looks, the stomping around and slamming doors and the on-going argument she wants to push.

So time to hang on to my Happy Thought......

I'm buying a motorcycle next year

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