Friday 23 September 2011

Power Company Gouging Us?

Hell Yeah.

Like everyone else we have watched our bills increasing astronomically. When you ring the company you get told the charge per kilowatt hour has increased again by another 15 to 17%. So that's FIVE increases of around that much in only two years.

So then we see friendly TV ads telling us to turn off heaters in winter, use less power.. use less power to get lower bills!! WTF??

They say the increases are needed to cover the costs for new infrastructure. I want to ask, "Well what have you been doing with your massive profits for the past 20 years then?"

But... we should also know by now that we have No Voice. You do not get heard anymore. They say use your vote to be heard.... that is never enough in a well propped-up Two Party Preferred System that fails constituents almost every time.

No Oldie.. don't go off into a political rant right now.. stay on topic.

So how do you get your Voice Heard? How do you let the power companies know you are fed up with their BS lines of reasoning? You can't disconnect from their supply because the Law states having electricity in the home is a Must Have. You can't not pay the Bill, because strangely enough the Power Companies can break that Law and cut off your power supply.

What are we to do about it?

Well, since we are Aussies here in Oz I could expect a lot of "She'll be right mate" from the plebs who are already fully bent over but are too scared to stand up to the Government or their Power Company.

I want Revolution!! And I want it before I am too old to play my part in it.

Time folks to Stand Up and be Counted.. or just keep bending over an taking it until there is nothing left to give.

Your choice is?

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