Friday 24 February 2012

Beware!! Media has created this Leadership issue

Anyone else notice that yet?

Don't need to be a rocket scientist to see how the Media has been CREATING the face-off between Gillard and Rudd.

In reality, and if you read their own words, neither of these two had any intention to have this leadership challenge thing.

Which leaves us with wondering then why has the media been printing and broadcasting all these headlines about Leadership Woes and backroom fights?

Could have something to do with the Media Ownership perhaps?

You betcha bottom dollar it is.

The ownership of Media in Oz is shared around by about two people.. both are historically very keen Liberal Party supporters and are also part of the World's Elite.. which shows where their loyalties lay.. not with what is GOOD for Oz, or the population, but what will create them MORE Revenue, provide them with more Power and Control over what the population Thinks.

And the best way to insure they get who they want in power again is to create a BELIEF that Labour is splitting at the seems, that Labour is not a cohesive Team, and so cannot do a fair job of running the country.

Before Labour was voted into power I was telling my friends that the worst thing we could do now for Australia was to vote for Labour.. not because they are bad.. but because all around the World the Rats (Elitists) were leaving the sinking ship.. they didn't even bother to contest that election at all.. they let is slide by.. exactly like they had wanted.

Why did they do this?

Simple... so that Labour would get Blamed by the brainwashed masses into Believing all the problems are because of the Labour Party being in power at the time.

Those masses did not understand that when you make changes to policies, finances, etc, it takes a fair bit of time for the long term outcomes to show up in daily life.. and to get people to want you around, you just bow out gracefully and watch the Circus Show you created as the Masses do blame the current government for the position we are in.

This is what annoys me about the Australian People.. most do not give a shit about what is really going on because they are far too busy chasing more Dollars for More LIFESTYLE.. and doing that at 400km/h every day does not allow room to research and find the Truth of any matter... which is exactly what the agenda in play has been doing for a few decades now.

The other problem is, when you attempt to talk with the brainwashed.. going too fast through life chasing $$$ and Lifestyle .. they cannot understand what you mean and think you are a nutter for having such wild ideas.

Look at ancient Roman Politics of the day.. what has changes sinse then really?

Nothing.. backroom deals make the policies.. anyone with a fair perception on the issues who try to get into government to change things get HAMMERED HARD.. repeatedly until they cower away or convert to save their own skin.. a'la Peter Garret or the the Chip Shop owner.

Man, I wish I could do something to wake up people in this country.. seriously. They all run around on the chase.. theuir inds are filled with deadshit TV and Not The News to make their brains like Goop that won't work properly.

Add to that the poisoning in our foods and water.. and you might start to see there has been a long term problem for as far back as we can remember.

What good is it for a government to push for plain cigarette packaging?

Why not push for Clean Tobacco products.. free from the added Toxic Cocktails that cause Addiction and Health Issues?

And then why not USE the heavy TAXES for what it is SUPPOSED to be used for?

Why isn't all that Tax put straight into the Health System for the "Supposed" drain by smoking related illnesses?

Because that Tax is being used for other things and not what it was meant for.

If that one little line does not prove to you that our govenment.. Labour and Liberal do not have your best intrests at heart then I don't know what will.

Wake UP


Seems old Ruddy has been talked into going for the challenege now.. silly boy.. how to damage the party more.

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