Friday 3 February 2012

Poor little rich kids......

See what happens when you bring kids up in a lifestyle with far too much wealth??

Didn't you read about G. Rinehart's two adult daughters today? You are going to get a good laugh then when you do.

It seems one of these women is down to her LAST $60,000 and wants Mummy to provide Security/Bodyguards, Cook and Housemaid.. and the other is following along with the same demands.

Three of Ms Rinehart's four children are challenging their mother's right to continue acting as trustee of the family's multibillion-dollar trust.

What's that quote from the news today tell you?

Yep.. spoiled rich kids want a shitload more money to continue living The Lifestyle they are accustomed to... in fact, they want it ALL and they want it NOW.

I wonder if they have heard how most people work their butts off for their money?

I wonder if they know that most Adults learn to stand on their own two feet in the world?

I wonder too why Mummy doesn't just say.. "Grow up, work for your money and wait till I die for your inheritance."

But NO.. these spolit rich kids don't want to wait.

I can't imagine what it must be like being DOWN TO YOUR LAST $60,000.. I've only ever been down to my last $2 and worried over how to buy Milk and Bread for my little girl, or how to pay the Doctor when she was sick... those poor rich adult kids!

How did they ever make it through life with all that money?

Someone needs to wake these rich kids up with a solid dose of reality.. you get NOTHING for FREE.. you have to work hard for anything, you have to be generous with others before you can accept generosity from others.

Gina.. if you ever get to read this.. I am sorry that your kids are putting you through this.. still. I do hope the courts will side with you and insure your poor little rich kids learn the most important lessons in life now.

Money does not make happiness.. being happy makes happiness.

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