Tuesday 14 February 2012

Not Valentine's Day again.

I was casually reading a RALPH article on Valentine's Day and was shocked at what I was reading. The article was called "Why Men Hate Valentine's Day", so I was expecting to have a good giggle instead of being surprised by the crap written there.

So, instead of offering sagely advice on how to break out of the Sheeple Mode, it focused on ways GenY males can improve how they DO Valentine's Day.

It focused on the American BS we have been inundated with since the 50's.. that EVERYONE is an Office Worker. And so it suggested being Dishonest, Manipulative and stirring up a shitload of trouble on Facecrap and Twits-here.

Honestly, I could not believe my eyes. Ralph has turned into an online magazine for pussies, Mummies-boys, Metros and other such not-men types. To cut a long story short, here was my response.. if they post it...

This day is only another Shopping Drive by Industry to get you to spend money on more garbage you don't need.
You have 364 more days of a year to let someone know how you feel.. you don't need to FOLLOW the Sheeple all the time do you?

And the advice in the article is to BE DISHONEST, Manipulative and a Trouble Maker.. the very things WE need to stop doing in order to be more balanced and effective human beings who can stand up and say.. enough of this BS brainwashing.

Oh, and before I forget, most real workers are not in offices, they are on the factory floor, building sites, panel beaters, slaving away doing REAL hard work, so please stop FOLLOWING the US lead of everyone is an office worker. Its all BS.

The more I see each day on where the human race is going, the more I lose any confidence that it is heading in the right direction. Seems it is speeding towards some sort of meld between "1984", "Brave New World" and the original.. and banned at the time (in 1979 to 1980 something).. before it was re-edited and unbanned.. "The Cosmic Conspiracy".

When Industry is brainwashing Men into wearing make-up, to use women's Face Creams rebranded for Men, and other Beauty Regimes.. we are heading in the wrong direction totally.

How are these so called Men going to handle a world with no electricity, no shops, no fuel for cars, a world where they will have to hunt and grow food to eat, a world where they will have to Defend others against swarms of low-lives.. if they are not taught how to be Men ?

There is no hope for humanity as far as I can see. Maybe I should try to forget the worry about where we are all heading and just focus on getting my Motorcycle and heading out on the road again until I succumb to old age or the front of a Mack ?

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